Veteran Building Maintenance, www.vbm-clean.com is a leading Building Maintenance Contractor in Southern California and a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE). As a company, VBM is an expert in cleaning and disinfection, and they have been having great success with SpectraKill RTU, an EPA registered disinfectant from SpectraShield Technologies LLC of Scottsdale, Arizona. www.spectrakill.com
VBM’s team is dedicated to working hands on with facility managers and their personnel to strategize, develop, and implement a safe and effective disinfecting plan for any size facility looking to improve their overall cleanliness.
“Once the stay-at-home orders were issued last year, cities, school districts, businesses were all scrambling to find an effective solution for the pandemic we’ve been facing” said Jose Diaz, the Founder and Owner of VBM. “But for many customers, finding a disinfectant that was safe for workers, colleagues and the environment was really important. For those clients, SpectraKill RTU has been a great answer” said Diaz.
EPA Registered as effective against Coronavirus, SpectraKill RTU is unique in that it is Certified Green by the Green Cleaning Institute, low in toxicity and biodegradable, yet strong enough for commercial disinfection while remaining safe for your home, school, or medical facility. SpectraKill is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses, molds, and mildews.
VBM has been using SpectraKill RTU with a variety of clients from Businesses and Police Departments to School Districts, Churches, and Sporting Venues.
Mr. Diaz concluded; “We see this product as an alternative to more hazardous household products on the market today. SpectraKill has no bleach, chlorine, fragrances, phenols, or VOCs which enhances its overall profile as an environmentally friendly and safe disinfectant that will not leave a film on surfaces.”